HUPO Connect 2020: HUPO rates for SPS members!
Via SPS/EuPA får samtliga medlemmar i SPS rabatt på HUPO2020 om man anger rabattkoden SE. Sprid gärna i era kanaler, det kommer framgå i mail-utskicket via Malmö kongressbyrå också.
Se info nedan.
All members of EuPA proteomic societies can register for HUPO Connect 2020 at the HUPO member rate. When you register, just use the country-specific registration discount code SE.
During the registration process you will be asked the following questions:
- Are you a member of the European Proteomics Association (EuPA)?
- If yes, please enter your EuPA Member discount code: SE
If you enter the code correctly, you will receive the HUPO member rates. If not, you will receive an error message.