5th Swedish Proteomics Society Symposium

The 5th Swedish Proteomics Society Symposium took place 10-11 December, 2006 in Uppsala, Sweden.

5th Swedish Proteomics Society Symposium
December 10-11, 2006,
Uppsala University Aula, Uppsala, SWEDEN

The 5th Swedish Proteomics Society (SPS) meeting will include reviews of the current research areas as well as presentations of new emerging technologies.

Proteins play crucial roles in all biological pathways and functions. Therefore, the characterization of protein functions, networks of interaction and also protein abundance within an organism contribute considerably to the understanding of life. An important challenge is to utilize the novel genetic information for better understanding of protein distribution and function in normal as well as in pathological biological processes.

Moreover, the recent progress in classical proteomics has been rapidly moving forward. Traditional techniques, which often involve 2-D gel electrophoresis or multidimensional liquid chromatography followed by protein or peptide identification using mass spectrometry, have been complemented with elegant approaches in which the biosamples are differentially labeled, mixed, processed, and analyzed. 

All these technology improvements will lead to better understanding of different diseases, discovery of new biomarkers and hopefully be important in the development of new, more efficient, drugs.

Sign up for the meeting today in order to allow optimal arrangements for our scientific interactions. The seats are filling up to the 5th International Swedish Proteomics Society Symposium in Uppsala, December 10-11, 2006.

There are some changes to the program (the reason also registered participants receive this mail), the new times are in the attached invitation.

We are starting earlier on Sunday with two speakers from our Gold Sponsor, GE:

  • Preparation of Protein Samples
    Allan Simpson, GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden
  • 2D Differential Gel Electrophoresis - New Development and Applications
    Reiner Westermeier, GE Healthcare, München, Germany
We are also happy to announce our final speaker for the Monday session:
  • Sherlock Holmes and the Proteome: A Detective Story
    Pier Giorgio Righetti, Polytechnic of Milano, Milano, Italy
Because of the many posters and exhibitors we have created TWO poster sessions of 45 minutes on Monday. On Sunday (before the conference banquet) we will instead have a scientific reception at historical and beautiful Gustavianum. Here you can meet old and new colleagues and discuss cutting edge developments in proteomics next to artefacts reminiscent of Uppsala's scientific past - the Augsburg Cabinet, Celsius' thermometer, and the Anatomical Theatre to name a few.

Don't forget to register for the Sunday evening SPS Symposium Banquet - the next best thing if you are not going to the Nobel Banquet!

We are looking forward to see you in Uppsala in December!

/On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Swedish Proteomics Society/

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