The 2nd Swedish Proteomics Symposium
Second Swedish Proteomics Society Symposium 7-8 December, 2003. Quantitative proteomics, fundamental aspects of glycoprotein, MALDI imaging and a number of other interesting topics were included in the 2003 year Symposium.
Program: The 2nd Swedish Proteomics Society Symposium 2003
17:30 Registration
18:00 Poster Session and Exhibition
19:00 Keynote lecture
The Diagnostic Proteome: Advances in Protein Diagnostics in Plasma
Leigh Anderson, The Plasma Proteome Institute, Rockville, USA
20:00 Dinner
09:00 Introduction to Swedish Proteomics Society
György Marko-Varga, AstraZeneca R&D, Lund, SE
09:15 Quantitative Proteomics: Current Status, Challenges, and New Directions
Ruedi Aebersold, Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, USA
10:00 Analytical Challenges in Interaction Proteomics
Bernhard Kuster, Cellzome, Heidelberg, DE
10.30 Coffee and Exhibition
11:00 Proteomic Approaches in Pharmaceutical Research
Jan van Oostrum, Novartis, Basel, CH
11:40 Putting Proteomics Data into Context
Frank Potthast, ETH, Zürich, CH
12:00 Proteome Analysis to Elucidate Disease-Specific Patterns in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Jonas Bergquist, Uppsala University, SE
12:30 Lunch and Exhibition
13:45 Fundamental Aspects of Glycoprotein and Oligosaccharide detection with Nano-ESI
Michael Karas, JW Goethe-University, Frankfurt, DE
14:25 Application of MALDI MS Imaging in the Drug Discovery Process
Markus, Stoeckli, Novartis, Basel, CH
14:55 Interaction Networks Mediated by Families of Protein Recognition Modules
Gianni Cesareni, University of Rome, IT
15:25 Coffee, Exhibition and Poster Session
16.15 Sensitive Quantification and Localization of Proteins by Proximity Ligation
Ulf Landegren, Uppsala University, SE
16:45 Quantitative Proteomics Methods in Signaling Research
Mathias Mann, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, DK
17:30-17:45 Swedish Proteomics Society closing remarks
György Marko-Varga, AstraZeneca R&D, Lund, SE